No emotions or Romance in War

8 Oct 1986

JM: Do you think that the IAF pay scales are good enough to attract the right kind of youth?
DK: Today, we are very well off. There were times when we flew for practically nothing. Today, we are fully secured. I have got immense faith in the youngsters. Given the right kind of training they will live up to the expectations. I can say that they are better than what I was at their age. That is how I judge the evolution of the IAf.

JM: As AOC Gwalior sector, are you facing any developmental problems?
DK: Not at all. The people of the city, the administration have all been very helpful and cooperative. In fact, it’s model for the nation how Gwalior could gear up and get ready for the Mirage in such a short span of time.

Today, we are fully secured. I have got immense faith in the youngsters.

JM: With some F-16s that side and an equal number of Mirage this side, how do things stand?
DK: We are very strong because we have the ability to sustain, we have got depth. The only difference is that we have to pay ourselves for our depth and quantity whereas they get it wrapped up in a gift paper. As things stand, we are a threat to them, not they to us. They should be more worried than we are.

JM: Do you foresee the possibility of any confrontation in the future?
DK: The possibility of war can never be ruled out. In 1965 when war broke out, I was at Tejpur, I came to know that our Vampires were going on. I didn’t believe it. Then again in 1971 I couldn’t believe my ears. After studying international history and polities one can never predict. We are spending money not to go in drain, but to be all ready for the time if it comes and when it comes.

JM: Do you think we are ready?
DK: Yes, there’s no point in building a big country if you are unable to defend it. The same way. There’s no point in wasting money on defense with nothing worthwhile to guard inside. India is always branded a rich country with poor people. But to me, Pakistan is a poor country with seemingly rich people. So if you analyze that in the total perspective, you would get what I mean.

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